Saturday, December 5, 2009


Horoscope for today.  Funny I came to the same decision in the wee hours of the morning. 

You may have to let go of something that you are really attached to Pisces, before this attachment makes it impossible for you to accept anything new. One thing that could be let go of is the feeling of resentment towards those who have interfered with your plans in the past. That resentment makes for the suspicion of a similar circumstance coming up, which makes it hard for you to talk about things with the people who can help the most. Find a way to convert the opposition; you'll have powerful resources behind you if you do.

Friend FAQ quiz.

So apparently there is this quiz on facbook STILL.  I blocked it a while back when it was asking truly mean spirited questions exclusively.  If felt a lot like a high school locker room.  I got a notice from one of my friends that they had “answered a question” and didn’t realize it was the same app when I clicked it. 

I almost died laughing at the first question it asked me.  Do you think that CaseyAnne has ever had stitches?    I stopped laughing, wiped my eyes, and answered it.  Then I moved on only to find that the silly app is still just one step ahead of the locker room. 

I thought I would share the things people have answered about me just for grins… The column on the RIGHT is the REAL answer and the center is what someone said.  Don’t worry, I did not click to see who said what.

Greens are correct, yellows are opinions, and reds are incorrect.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe brushes their teeth regularly?


Yes, mom

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe can throw a football with a spiral?


Not intentionally

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever given money to a homeless person?


Correct.  More frequently I give food though.

Is DeeAnne Sathe a reliable person?


Correct.  I try to be.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is a gold digger?


Correct.  I have enough thanks.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe likes British accents?



Would you introduce DeeAnne Sathe to your family?


Thank you.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever used steroids?


Wrong.  My asthma med IS a steroid.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe should have more self-confidence?


Hahaha…  um Yes, I should.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever fantasized about you?


Depends.  Probably yes

Is DeeAnne Sathe a cheap skate?


Correct.  I love a bargain but will pay for quality/

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is materialistic?


Correct, I am loveterialistic.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe likes British accents?


Wrong see above.

Does DeeAnne Sathe have a face only a mother could love?



Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe watches porn?


Correct.  It did nothing for me.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has game?


What game?

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe makes more than $50k a year?



Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever had a 1 night stand?


Hahahahha.  Not.

Would you hook up with DeeAnne Sathe?



Do you think DeeAnne Sathe was a Dork in high school?


Wrong, I was.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is hyper?



Have you ever had a crush on DeeAnne Sathe?


See?  Again.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is cuter than Brad Pitt?



Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is a tree hugger?


Correct I am on the committee.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe would do anything to succeed?


Correct, it is not worth “anything”

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever eaten a booger?


I was a kid I am sure at one point I must have.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is funny?


Thank you, I try.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever failed a test?


Wrong.  I have failed my share.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is a jerk?


Thank you.  I can be if I want to .

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe has ever been in a fist fight?


Twice.  I hope to never ever do so again.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe would ever do community service voluntarily?


Correct would/have

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe can do 20 pushups?


Correct, I can.

Would you want to see DeeAnne Sathe dance like Michael Jackson for money?



Do you think DeeAnne Sathe drives too fast?


Lol, true.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is a jealous significant other?


Correct. I am not.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe brushes their teeth regularly?


What fascination with my oral hygiene..

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe puts 'hoes' before 'bros'?


I much prefer my brothers.  (I know the idea here and the answer is still no.)

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe would sell you out for a million bucks?


Wrong.  I would not. 

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe would look good in tights?


Do I get to wear anything else?

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is materialistic?


Correct see above.

Do you think that DeeAnne Sathe is religious?


I am a believer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


House thing is moving again even though VERY SLOWLY!!! I hope to finally be the owner of record before the end of the year.

I mailed out a bunch of fundraising letters for TNT. The post office delivered them very promptly….to me. *sigh *

It has been very cold here at night (relative to norm and daytime temps). So cold that even the DOG is snuggling under blankets at night. Brrr… At some point I shall have to post some pictures of that. I am rocking the layers of sweat shirts. I lose them slowly through to lunch when for a few minutes I run around in a tee shirt…..only to turn around and layer them back on until time to go home.

Well I guess that is it for now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Hodge of Podge

We had the most awesome clinic at Road Runner Sports on Saturday. They did the whole thing for free in support of Team in Training.
We showed up early before the store opened. It started with a whole bunch of information about what things you need (and those you don’t) all based around a variety of fitness levels, distances, run/walk, and the like. It was cool to have someone actually tell you what you DON’T need to buy instead of trying to sell you the store.

Then we went for our run. We ran around the airport, which was different than our normal up and down billygoat route up in the hills of PV. I have to say it was not my favorite run. We had to deal with avgas fumes, cars that thought they were qualifying for Indy, and whole lot of folks who had flooded and muddy grass.

Once we got done with our run the folks at Road Runner had another clinic for us. Basically they had you walk around on pressure mats and then they video taped you running. Between the two they could tell you if you were in the right shoes or not. Again it was cool that they were pretty open about telling you if your shoes were fine. They also have a deal where you get a sixty day trial of the shoes and if you don’t like them, you can return them. Yes, that means RUN in them for sixty days and still be able to return them. It is pretty cool.
So when my turn came for the “Shoe dog”, they had me walk on the mats and run for the camera. Then the girl pulled my video up on the screen. “That’s not me.” I told her. She looked me oddly, checked the time and the file name before replying that she was sure it was. We did a few “are you sure”s and “yes I am”s before she finally asked me why I didn’t think it was me. I finally had to tell her that I didn’t think my legs looked like that. She sighed like she had heard that a million times and then almost hurt herself laughing as I finished my thought…. “I had no idea my legs were that cute.” After she stopped choking she had to admit that this was the first time she had had something think they looked too good on the video.

End result of the Shoe Dog clinic? I have a new pair of shoes to test drive and cute legs…..

Oh, and I bought some socks that would drive Jane and Bob to distraction. They are SO soft and padded on the bottom!!! I think I am going to live in them.
These are not the exact ones I got but they are the same foot part….

It has decided to be winter here now. I know those of you back north and east will mock this but seriously last night it got down to 47 here at the beach. It was down to 53 in the house. I was bundled up and buried under blankets thinking seriously about turning on the heat. I tucked myself into bed under the sheets, blankets, and an afghan. I woke up this morning with the afghan wrapped around my head and the rest of me burritoed in the blankets and the rest of the afghan. I peeked over the side of the bed and saw that Miss Isabelle must have been cold too as she had pulled a part of the blanket down over herself and had her tail wrapped tightly over her nose. Even the bunny was in a tightly packed ball with her paws tucked under her body versus her usual flat pose. It was so cold that when I met up with The Man for breakfast he greeted me with “morning nanuk” as a mocking assessment of the four layers I had on. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr……

I finally gave in and went to the grocery store today. Since I keep thinking I am going to move any day I have been putting it off. This means I had finally made my way through every dish in the freezer, all my pantry stock, and was resorting to eating odd things. So I broke down and went.
I went to a different store than usual because I had a coupon that only they took. Big mistake in one way, good call in another.
It was a big mistake because their produce was rediculously overpriced and poor quality so now I will need to still hit another store to get any fresh foods.
It was a good call because as I was wandering up and down the aisles, I rounded a corner just in time to see something that still has me laughing. I rounded the corner and in front of me coming my way down the aisle is a thirty something guy. As we neared each other and both glanced up at the same time, we exchanged hellos and smiles. Then he suddenly did something so totally unexpected. He glanced over at the shelf and literally did the whole “YES” and fist pump thing.

Note 13 to 17 seconds.

Then he glanced back up and saw me watching him, blushed, and pointed… “No one carries this!” he said as he pulled the case of diet 7-up with fruit juice off the shelf and slid it into his cart. I couldn’t help but laugh at his embarrassed face before letting him off the hook with a big smile. “It is great to see someone get that excited over something GOOD for a change.” He grinned back and wandered off whistling down the aisle. It is still cracking me up.

One other good thing about going to that store, we are supposed to be drinking “sports drinks” along with water to keep our electrolytes and sugar up. I don’t know if y’all have ever noticed but almost ALL of those things are loaded with high fructose corn syrup which is really bad for you. While I was at that store I saw that they had “vitamin water” on sale. It is pretty much the same stuff only it does not have HFCS in it. It uses juice or sugar to sweeten it. I was interested so I took a bottle and test-drove it in the store. Yummy. So I picked up a few bottles to meet my team-required beverages.

So in self defense, I have been baking and doing laundry since I got in this evening. I figure not only do I get a good dinner and clean clothes, I get a bit of heat too……

I think the dog approves, she is laying between the stove and the washer.

Oh, for those of you who read this far and are now hungry. My favorite “snack”.

Take some medium slices of mozzarella cheese and lay them out in an overlapping rectangle.
Sprinkle them with crushed red chillis.
Lay over lapping slices of salami on top.
Roll entire thing up, wrap tightly, and chill.
When ready to eat, slice across the roll in thin slices.


Friday, November 13, 2009

TNT Update

So I have had a number of people ask me for an update as to how this is going. 

AS far as me physically, it is going well.  So far acting on the advice of my coach I have been forcing myself to take it really easy and not to push myself so I haven't really noticed any ill effects.  I will confess that the Monday after our big Saturday trainings I am a bit stiff.  We aren't supposed to work out that day so I limit myself to just making a point to move around a bit and it goes away pretty quickly.

Fund raising-wise, been having a lot of support in this area.  Not sure I have mentioned it but Andy thought this was such a great idea that he added a link to his website and it is also going out on the bottom of every schedule that gets sent out to his mailing list.  Also have a local restaurant that has agree to give me a gift certificate to use for fund raising.  It is a new high end restuarant so that should generate some money.  Folks at my work and folks at home have stepped up to make a big dent in my personal quota. 

On a personal note I had sort of an awakening when I started sending this out to my friends.  ou go into this maybe knowing a person or two who was affected by these diseases and then it becomes a six degrees kind of thing where it seems everyone you ask has been or knows someone who has been affected.

In my case, I started this in honor of my Aunt Joanie. The first friend I told I was going to do this promptly told me that our mutual friend Russell Luzio (Blueswithrussell to most people) had just been diagnosed.

The second friend I told about this told me her brother, Doug Haydt, was killed by this.

Then it was the friend who lost both parents to different blood cancers.

It seems that absolutely no one is untouched by these diseases.

I think it is this kind of thing that motivates me to move.  I figure I was given the ability to do this for a reason and even if I am not completely sure what that reason is in total, I think I have to just accept that it IS and move forward. 

To all of you who have been supporting me in any way, my continued thanks to you all! 





Racing to Save Lives

I'm training to participate in the Rock-n-Roll Mardi Gras Marathon as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives.

You go into this maybe knowing a person or two who was affected by these diseases and then it becomes a six degrees kind of thing where it seems everyone you ask has been or knows someone who has been affected. In my case, I started this in honor of my Aunt Joanie. The first friend I told I was going to do this promptly told me that our mutual friend Russell Luzio (Blueswithrussell to most people) had just been diagnosed. The second friend I told about this told me her brother, Doug Haydt, was killed by this. Then it was the friend who lost both parents to different blood cancers. It seems that absolutely no one is untouched by these diseases. So for all these folks and more, I am committed to do this. Honestly I am completing this event in honor of all individuals who are battling blood cancers. These people are the real heroes on our team, and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish line - a cure!

Please make a donation to support my participation in Team In Training and help advance LLS's mission.

Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress. Thanks for your



DeeAnne Sathe

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bad Habits and Slow Learning Curves

Ever notice how over time you acquire your own little unique bad habits? I am not talking about those bad habits like smoking, drinking, or whatever, I am talking about the LITTLE bad habits. Everyone has them. Some are petty annoyances to those around us and others probably skate by virtually unnoticed until something draws your attention to them.

I have a few of those kind of bad habits. Most were acquired through some form or other of necessity or ease of function over the years. One rather recent addition to my list of bad habits lately has to do with my morning yoghurt.

I get cranky if I don’t get my yoghurt in the morning. More than my coffee, this directly affects my mood for the day. Coffee, yeah I love it but I do pass it by on many days. Yoghurt, not so much. One of the medicines I take messes up my system pretty bad and the only way to keep from being a burpy, heartburny mess is yoghurt. I am really picky about what kind I eat. It can’t have artificial sweetener or its evil twin HFCS in it. I am not a fan of fruit chunks, though I REALLY miss the Yoplait custard style with nuts from the 80s.

Over the years I have been forced time and again to find new sources of the proper style of yoghurt. In some cases, there have been periods where I was even forced to make my own. With the recent surge in its popularity I had to shift again as everything became a flavored, sugary mess again.

I switched to YoBaby yoghurt a while back. I love the fact that it is all the things I look for in yoghurt. It does not contain anything artificial and the fruit is all pureed. It comes in wonderful but not overly fancified flavors like banana, plain, apple, blueberry, and others.

I ALSO love the fact that it comes in smaller cups. I think that like everything the size of yoghurt cups has got out of control over the years. I used to open one and dish it into smaller sizes of Tupperware to be eaten over a few days but with YoBaby I don’t need to do that any more.

Wait, when did this become a testimonial to YoBaby and stop being about bad habits? Have patience, I am getting there.

So every morning, as I run out the door on whatever thing I am going to do that day, I grab my little cup of YoBaby. I am usually at work just a very short time when that little cup of yoghurty goodness begins to call my name. It almost ALWAYS calls when we are just getting involved in whatever project of the day so I have developed the bad habit of… (AHA! You say, here it comes!)

I shake the heck out of the container and peel back that foil top. A quick lick to the foil and it goes in the recycle bin. Then I turn that little cup on its corner and drink my yoghurt. It is not MADE to be drunk like that but I seldom have time to go find a spoon and eat it that way. It simply takes to long so I started to simply drink the stuff right out of the cup. It is a bit of a bad habit. My own personal little weirdness. No one ever comments on it any more though I used to get teased about it. I think they are just used to it now. In fact a few of the guys have taken to drinking things not meant to be drunk as well (ravioli out of the can unheated…).

So where does that learning curve come into this? It is rather cold here right now. Well by California standards at any rate. Usually my little YoBaby sits in the car until I am ready for it so it gets a bit of greenhouse action in the winter from the sun shining through the windows. Today, an aftereffect of no less than FOUR encores that kept us out late and an early call from The Man alerting me that he was on his way to help with the truck, I am a bit groggy.

I wanted that yoghurt and I wanted it NOW. I fixed a coffee and while it sat patiently waiting for me, I grabbed that ice cold YoBaby out of the fridge, gave it a shake and ripped the foil off as usual. I tipped that container back and took a swig. Then reeled back in horror as the cold watery part of the yoghurt slithered down my cheek. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face. Trust me when I say you don’t want me the describe THAT feeling the actual way it felt. Let’s just say ick for now.

So anyway, I wiped my face, I wiped my shirt off where the watery mess had landed, and one might think I might have paid more attention. Nope. I promptly tipped that cup up again with the same effect. Lather, rinse, and repeat. I was now laughing as I wiped off my face and shirt one more time. The thought of poor learning curve ran through my head. I started planning this blog. I laughed at my own bad habit biting me in the butt. Then I did it again.

I mean seriously, what are the odds right? I LOOKED in the cup first and it looked to be all creamy yoghurt. I didn’t see any of that watery stuff and figuring by now it was all in my shirt and the towel… So I did it again. Third time’s the charm? Nope. Same thing. The second the yoghurt slid forward in the cup, the water got me again.

I was quick this time, you see I was not so blasé as one might think. I DID learn something from those first two times. I WAS LEANING OVER THE SINK! Clever! Wise! Some might say, Brilliant! Yes! There I was, leaning over the sink, head tipped BACK with ice cold yoghurt water again running down my face and onto my shirt.


Excuse, me I need a clean shirt…..

And a spoon.