So I have had a number of people ask me for an update as to how this is going.
AS far as me physically, it is going well. So far acting on the advice of my coach I have been forcing myself to take it really easy and not to push myself so I haven't really noticed any ill effects. I will confess that the Monday after our big Saturday trainings I am a bit stiff. We aren't supposed to work out that day so I limit myself to just making a point to move around a bit and it goes away pretty quickly.
Fund raising-wise, been having a lot of support in this area. Not sure I have mentioned it but Andy thought this was such a great idea that he added a link to his website and it is also going out on the bottom of every schedule that gets sent out to his mailing list. Also have a local restaurant that has agree to give me a gift certificate to use for fund raising. It is a new high end restuarant so that should generate some money. Folks at my work and folks at home have stepped up to make a big dent in my personal quota.
On a personal note I had sort of an awakening when I started sending this out to my friends. ou go into this maybe knowing a person or two who was affected by these diseases and then it becomes a six degrees kind of thing where it seems everyone you ask has been or knows someone who has been affected.
In my case, I started this in honor of my Aunt Joanie. The first friend I told I was going to do this promptly told me that our mutual friend Russell Luzio (Blueswithrussell to most people) had just been diagnosed.
The second friend I told about this told me her brother, Doug Haydt, was killed by this.
Then it was the friend who lost both parents to different blood cancers.
It seems that absolutely no one is untouched by these diseases.
I think it is this kind of thing that motivates me to move. I figure I was given the ability to do this for a reason and even if I am not completely sure what that reason is in total, I think I have to just accept that it IS and move forward.
To all of you who have been supporting me in any way, my continued thanks to you all!
~hugs you~
It's always humbling to me that what starts out as a personal way of honoring a loved one, turns into a gift for so many others who want and need to remember those in their hearts and memories. Thanks for mentioning Doug in your you, dear woman...
~standing strong with you!
it is always humbling to me to start something and have so many people come out in support of me. If it wasn't for you and friend like you I think I would have long ago given up.
You are welcome for my inclusion of Doug. It is important to those left behind to know that people ARE thinking of their loved one too.
Love you too!
Thanks for the support!
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